Happy New Year!

Happy New Year. Do you feel invigorated at the start of a new year or do you feel like January might just be the longest month ever? Does this month feel like a 90 day marathon instead of a typical 31 day month?

The holidays have come to pass. The excitement of gift giving and receiving is over. The endless eating, drinking and festivities are behind you. Are you relieved? Saddened? Or tormented by the aftermath?

Wrapping paper still everywhere? Are there piles of new clothes and toys scattered about….slowly making their way into the folds of your already cluttered spaces? January can be a month of overwhelm and it can be a time of new beginnings. We can help you start fresh and tackle the spaces you intended to declutter back in November but simply couldn’t because the holiday season snuck up on you.

Like many people, you might set goals or intentions for a new year. Set a goal for your home. Keep it simple and reasonable. You are not going to tackle clutter that took years to create in one afternoon. Set a realistic expectation for yourself. Pick a room, any room.  Focus on that one room for a set number of hours. Begin your process.  Obvious choices might be the playroom, kids room or the kitchen. If that feels like too much, work in a closet or a bathroom. They are small spaces but can have a huge impact when organized and help motivate you to approach the bigger spaces in your home. 

Let’s say you want to start with a bathroom. Go through the medicine cabinet, throw out expired medications and products, refold your towels, wipe down your cabinet drawers. These simple steps can help create space. Chances are good that you will feel motivated when viewing the results of your labor and you will want to move on to organize the room.

Still feel like it’s too much? Sort Marin is here to help guide you.  We will work with you to organize your space. We will recycle items that no longer serve you and come up with storage solutions that work for you based on how you and your family live.  Give us a call or send us an email anytime.


Margaret & Jenn


Spring Motivation