3 Lessons I’ve Learned as a Home Organizer

1. Your storage space is valuable.

As I am cleaning out closets, cabinets and garages, I notice countless items from discount dollar stores and discount warehouse clubs, 2 for 1 items or large quality of a product that takes up space and  never gets used.  Many of these items end up getting donated because there is too much quantity or you don’t know what to do with it. Worse, you end up throwing things out because they have expired. This is wasteful and ends up costing you more in the end. There is certainly no savings in that. Point is, don’t get caught up in the deal if you don’t need it. 

2. Be selective with your purchases.  

I clean out lots of closets and garages with items that have original price tags and packaging. It was a good deal at the time but it never really did match your style or home décor.  It causes frustration, guilt and it takes up valuable storage space.  Isn’t it better to wait and find something that you love? Try to avoid impulse purchases. Walk away and think about items for a few days. If you still love it a week later, go back and get it. Often, the ‘need’ to have something goes away quickly when you are no longer looking at the item. Plan your purchases with intention, a need, and a space to go into. 

3. Let it go! 

Oh the things of your past… or furniture from your last apartment or home, collecting dust and taking up storage.  You think you’re going to use it someday but you don’t. These items have been stored away, sometimes for years, taking up valuable space. Maybe you feel guilty because someone you cared about gave it to you, or it belonged to your beloved grandmother, yet these items don’t really fit into your current lifestyle or home. Maybe it was never to your liking to begin with!  If it’s not something that has a special meaning or is of value to you then consider donating or giving it to a friend. Someone else may be grateful to have the item in full display in their home, instead of being hidden in your garage. Let someone else actually use it!  Isn’t it better to have someone else appreciate what you're not using? 

4. Know what you own and be intentional about your needs and purchases.

If you want to be better organized, set a goal to know what’s stored in your cabinets, closets, garages, storage units.  Decide what you use and what you don’t use or need.  If you have duplicates, consider selling or donating.

5. Being organized is good for our planet.

Being organized means consuming less stuff. And consuming less means less waste in landfills. If you have less stuff, you can see what you own It provides a sense of freedom and lightness, and gives you an appreciation for what you do have.

Margaret & Jenn


The Hostess Gift


Spring Motivation